Our Terms & Conditions

Thanks for using Vortex Intermediaries. These terms of service ("Terms") cover your use and access to the products, services, software, platform and websites (collectively, "Services") provided by Vortex Intermediaries and any of our affiliates (collectively, "Ushanga Chroniclees"). By using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms as well as our Privacy Policy. If you are using our Services as the employee or agent of an organization, you are agreeing to these Terms on behalf of that organization. Please note that the statements set forth under the headings "More simply put" are provided as a courtesy solely for your convenience and are not legally binding or otherwise intended to modify these Terms in any way.

You must be the legal age of majority in your Country of residence or otherwise able to form a binding contract with Vortex Intermediaries in order to use the Services. In no event is use of the Services permitted by those under the age of 18.

Termination of Membership and access restriction

Vortex Intermediaries reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to downgrade or terminate your access to the Services, for any reason and at any time without prior notice. For example, we may suspend or terminate your use of the Services if you are not complying with these Terms, or if you are using the Services in a manner that would expose us to legal liability, disrupt the Services or disrupt others' use of the Services.

If Vortex Intermediaries elects to terminate your account Vortex Intermediaries will provide you with notice at your registered email address. Vortex Intermediaries also reserves the right to modify or discontinue, either temporarily or permanently, any part of its Services with notice. You agree that Vortex Intermediaries will not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuance of your membership in the Services.

Ownership and Preservation of your documents.

Vortex Intermediaries does not claim ownership of any documents you either create or upload and store using our Services ("Documents"). You grant permission for Vortex Intermediaries to use your Documents in connection with providing Services to you.

You acknowledge and agree that Vortex Intermediaries may preserve these Documents as well as disclose them if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to accomplish any of the following: (1) to comply with legal process, applicable laws or government requests; (2) to enforce these Terms; (3) to respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third parties; or (4) to protect the rights, property, or

personal safety of Vortex Intermediaries , its users and the public. You understand that the technical processing and transmission of the Service, including your content, may involve transmissions over various networks and changes to conform and adapt to technical requirements of connecting networks or devices. You agree that Vortex Intermediaries has no responsibility or liability for deleting or failing to store any content maintained or uploaded by the Services.

Consent to Receive E-mails

By creating an account, you agree that you may receive communications from Vortex Intermediaries , such as newsletters, special offers, and account reminders and updates. You also understand that you can remove yourself from these communications by clicking the "Unsubscribe" link in the footer of the actual email.

Validity of Electronic Signatures

Vortex Intermediaries enables you to send and receive valid e-signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) as adopted by individual Countries. Vortex Intermediaries does not authenticate users' signatures or identities.

By using the Services, you hereby consent to using electronic signatures on Vortex Intermediaries . You also agree that no certification authority or other third party verification is necessary to validate your electronic signature and that the lack of such certification or third party verification will not in any way affect the enforceability of your electronic signature or any resulting contract signed using Vortex Intermediaries’ electronic signature service and technology. Vortex Intermediaries does not authenticate users' signatures or identities.

Acceptable use of Communications Services

Our Services include a large number of what are collectively called "Communications Services." These include services such as live chats, comment threads, blog posts, question and answer products, customer service communication forums, calendars, and other message services. You agree to use the Communication Services only to post, send, and receive messages or materials proper to and related to the particular Communication Service. When using a Communication Service, you agree that you will not do any of the following:

- Defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the legal rights of others.

- Publish, post, upload, distribute or disseminate any names, materials, or information that is considered inappropriate, profane, defamatory, infringing, obscene, indecent, or unlawful.

- Create a false identity, represent yourself as someone else, or sign an agreement as someone else or on behalf of someone else or otherwise falsify or delete in an uploaded file any significant attributions or notices.

- Upload files that contain software or other material protected either by intellectual property laws or by the rights of privacy or publicity except when

i.) you own or control the necessary rights, or

ii.) you have received all necessary consents to do so

- Upload corrupted files, files that contain viruses, or any other files that may damage the operation of another's computer.

- Advertise, offer to sell, or offer to buy anything for business purposes except to the limited extent any particular Communication Service specifically allows such activity.

- Restrict or inhibit any other user from using and enjoying the Communication Services.

- Harvest or otherwise collect personally identifiable information about others, without their consent

- Violate any code of conduct or other guidelines, which may be applicable for any particular Communication Service.

- Violate any applicable laws or regulations.

Although Vortex Intermediaries has no obligation to monitor the Communication Services, we reserve the right, in our own discretion, to review and remove materials posted to a Communication Service, in whole or in part. Vortex Intermediaries reserves the right to disclose any materials posted, information or activity as necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request.

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